Personal meaning of color
The color for me is a way of expressing myself and being as I am of desir who I am and how I act. Sometimes we do not put as much importance on color but that is one of the biggest things that identifies us. the truth is that for me the world without color is a sad and meaningless world for example:
but when color you can fell happy and reason for the most expenssive image:
RED:is a symbol of good luck in many cultures.It is the traditional color wedding dresses in china and danger.This is why we see it on emergency vehicles and warning sings. Eight percent of the population is red-green colorblind:they cant clearly see the difference between red and green
green: is a color that makes people feel at peace because it is the most common color in nature. The green in leaves and grass comes from something called chlorophyl. This word comes from the greek khloros. green also symbolizes safety. Because of this, it is useed in traffic lights to signal when it is safe to go.
BLUE:is the most popular color in the world. More than hal the worlds flags have blue in them. Blue is also the most common color used by businesses. Many busisnesses use the color blue to represent them in logos and advertisements. This is because blue helps us feel like we can trust them.
ORANGE:gets its name from the fruit. The word originally described the taste century, orange was also the name of this bright color.
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